Wittlebee, It's Not You, It's Me
Have you heard of Wittlebee? Apparently it's being advertised on TV back there in the states but I read about it on Rage Against the Minivan. It's a clothing service that will ship you a box of clothes every month for $39.99. For that price, you get six articles of clothes and shipping is included. They have a great website that's straight-forward and easy to follow. You can select clothing styles to help them decide what to send you but you don't get to pick the actual clothes. Also, you can ask for a stylist to call you or you can leave them a note on your account.
Since we can't really buy clothes for the kids here on island, I thought I would give this a try. I do most of my shopping online when I can find sales and this seemed a lot easier. I decided to try an order for Fire's first. The box came within two weeks of my order being placed:
And here's what came in the box:
A swim suit and matching rash guardļ»æ
Two t-shirts and two onesiesļ»æ
The clothes are very cool and are exactly the sort of thing that I would have picked out if I could actually go shopping. They seem like they are all well made and right on for size (I ordered 12M since Fire doesn't need new clothes right now). The price is perfect- six items for $39.99 means that each piece in the box only costļ»æ $6.65. And it was really easy.
Right now, you can only have two accounts open per family but I was able to go into my account and change the information on it. The next box coming will be for Sky. I ordered ahead again (4T) since she has plenty of clothes right now.
But that next box will be the last box we'll be getting from Wittlebee, at least for the time being. As I've said twice now, my kids don't need clothes right now. We have the ability to purchase clothes for them online as well as wonderful family members back in the US who send us boxes for the kids. D and I found a better way to spend our $39.99:
D and I have wanted to sponsor a child for long time. We buy animals every Christmas through the Heifer program instead of giving each other Christmas presents and I have been sponsoring a woman in Afghanistan through Women for Women but we put off sponsoring a child until now. After talking with D about what we really need (and agreeing that we are truly blessed and need nothing), I went online and found this little girl on Compassion International's website. Can you see her name? She was one of the first children listed and we knew it was meant to be. Her name is Cielo. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Compassion International is world-wide program that allows you to pay for a child's education, school supplies, and a daily meal. So many orphans today are economic orphans- children whose families simply couldn't afford to feed them or give them what they felt the children needed or deserved. Both of my children were economic orphans. A program like this means that a child can stay with her family, in her birth culture, while ensuring that she gets enough to eat and an education. We are looking forward to getting letters and pictures from Cielo and hope to use this as an opportunity to teach our children about another way to serve others.
Christmas is coming. Are you thinking about presents yet? Instead of giving physical gift that can get broken, lost, or thrown away, consider sponsoring a child. Consider changing a life.
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